Wednesday 30 December 2020

A long one to close this year

I wanted to close this godforsaken year out by trying a longer run, one with a bit of prestige. I've done Paris-Versailles before in the opposite direction , but only in races and "just" 16k each time. This time I wanted to do a full half and finish at the Eiffel Tower. Rather than going through Meudon, I took the direction of Parc de St Cloud and the Bois de Boulogne, finishing by running through the 16eme and then Trocadero/Champs de Mars. My time was a bit meh, the climbs leaving Versailles took a lot out of me, as did the stretches in the Bois. But I'm happy to have done something a little different to finish this year, and I really hope to get back into races in 2021.